Implementation directly on your code
1. Create an anchor element on your product page.
You must include the container element that will display the button for the VFR and the measurement chart on your product detailed page. You should place the element in the position where you want the buttons to be displayed.
The excerpt below is an example of how this container could be included. Note the id attribute that was defined in it: your button must contain a valid id attribute. This id will be used later when we are running the plugin's script.
2. Including Sizebay HTML script
We will now import the plugin script into your HTML. This snippet can be included in the header (<head>) or at the end of the HTML body (before </body>).
Be in mind that in order to properly inject the plugin script, Sizebay will provide you with all the required info (e.g tenantId, the URL paths, etc).
The code below is an example and should not be injected into your website, as it serves only for instructional reasons. In order to get the correct URL, contact so we can guide you through the process.
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